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Most Somalis believe that to be Somali is to be Muslim, so those who come to faith in Christ are accused of rejecting not only their religion but also their nationality. After years of drought and civil war, more Somalis live outside Somalia than within its borders, and Somalis often take their Islamist cultural norms with them wherever they go. Therefore, those who faithfully serve Christ or convert from Islam in Somali communities throughout the world face severe persecution regardless of national laws. Even so, the dispersion of Somali people has also created unique opportunities to reach them with the gospel. Somalis are more reachable and open than ever before, and many have chosen to follow Christ, including some who are willing to reach out to other Somalis at any cost.
Major Religion:
Nearly all Somalis are Sunni Muslims, with especially radicalized views.
The al-Shabab terrorist organization and other Islamist groups persecute Christians, as do the government, communities and families.

What It Means To Follow Christ In Somalia
There are no church buildings in Somalia, and Christians must exercise extreme care when meeting in groups. It is strictly illegal to convert or evangelize. Christians are actively pursued, and when discovered they are immediately killed. Christians are more likely to be killed by al-Shabab or family members than to be imprisoned by the government. The autonomous region of Somaliland has seen a recent increase in the number of underground Christians being arrested.
Access To Bibles:
Bibles are illegal and extremely dangerous to own. Most believers access digital versions on their phones or other digital devices. Give Bibles
VOM Work:
VOM equips believers and supports those who share their faith inside Somalia. VOM also supports media efforts that reach inside the country. Give to VOM’s Global Ministry
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the advancement of the gospel in the regions of Hargeisa, Kismayo and Jigjiga.
- More Somalis live outside the country than within its borders. Pray that Somalis everywhere will hear the gospel.
- Pray that many young people in Somalia who become disillusioned with Islam will turn to Christ.
- Pray that Somali Christians grounded in God's Word will plant churches in Somalia and in the Somali Regions.
- Pray that Somalis arrested in Somaliland will stand firm and persevere amid trials, for Christ's glory.